lørdag den 29. maj 2010

Hi, ZOOMin -You Are Here - ZOOMout - bye!

4 kommentarer:

Steve sagde ...

Weirdly, that looks just like the GPS on my phone.

human being sagde ...

hey... really love this!
this partly tells why:


the macrocosm in which we are a microcosm is another microcosm in another macrocosm... and so on and so forth...

so a hi can be a bye... a bye... a hi!


Joe Bloggs sagde ...

Steve: Well, after all it was your GPS story what blipped the picture into being.

human being: Great idea on your blog, I like the poem, your version and the others' too.

Uhm a hum, hoot are you?
Are you sound two?
That makes duet of us - don't quell
Or we may vanish in a soundless hell

...hmm, me thinks a choir is required because now my superfull of empty ego echo echo echo head is quiet

human being sagde ...

wow! Joe... your version rocks!

it is only sound that remains
why should i stop?

(Forough Farokhzad)

i put a link to this on that post on my blog...

really really beautiful and deep!