mandag den 24. maj 2010

Keys to the bored @ *

*wordplay, not a websight

6 kommentarer:

Steve sagde ...

If I found myself in the dungeons of this kingdumb I think I would just hit my escape key...

Joe Bloggs sagde ...

Ah yes, the Esc key has always been a big hit with me too - my favourite actually - I even tune my guitar to it ♫

human being sagde ...

you can write to tire
you can write to wire

you can write to know
you cannot write to a crow!

1 + 1 - 1 = 1 + a tie!

wrote this with your 'keybored'

Joe Bloggs sagde ...

Write, well, okay then, I'll have to try and caw-caw-call you up on the olde chronophone

Ello, hoperator? Please put me through to number 1, thankyou...
How long you say? Forever? Hmm, okay, sure, I'll hold the line

human being sagde ...


you are a genius!
no! that was not what i really wanted to say...

you are so unique!
nope again!

you are...

sometimes... better not to say anything at all... no?


Joe Bloggs sagde ...

⌂bsolutely agree, Mum's the word